MARCH 1, 2024

Quasar Gold Corp Releases A Private Placement Offering

Quasar Gold Corp, a closely held private gold production company based in Fort Collins, Colorado with a concentrated focus on placer gold mining in Alaska opened a round of funding through a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) on December 28, 2023 and is set to raise $5 MM. The purpose of this capital raise is to fund its careful expansion including the immediate acquisition of a second gold mining property that’s been successfully evaluated along with the costs to expand the Company’s mining operations.

The Company’s Vice President for Capital Development, Nathaniel Levin, will be managing the capital raise and released a statement on February 23, 2024 regarding the particulars of this capital raise:

“We’re excited by the achievements the Company has made over its first three years and now we’re looking to accelerate our progress. During the 2022 season, our exploration team carefully vetted a second property (Property # 2) and found “Economic Gold” in abundance and we’re ready to acquire that property immediately. Meanwhile, we’re ready for mining to begin during the 2024 season (May-October) on our flagship gold mining property, the Shirley Bar mine.

“An exciting offer is now available for accredited investors ready to move forward. All the careful exploration work we’ve done to date along with over $2.6 MM already invested has substantially “De-Risked” this entire venture.

• We hold the mining leases on our flagship gold mining property, “The Shirley Bar Mine.”

• We’ve already found the gold on the first and second properties.

• We know both gold mining sites – the one we own the leases on and the second property that’s been carefully vetted and is ready for immediate purchase.

• We have the mining equipment and an experienced mining crew.

• We know our industry and understand the economics of gold production.

• We’re ready to move forward with mining immediately on Property # 1 (the Shirley Bar).

• We’re ready to move forward with the acquisition of the second property immediately.

This capital raise will substantially accelerate our progress!

“Quasar is looking to meet those visionary investors that have already made their decision to include gold in their portfolios. They need to know that when they own shares in Quasar, their dividends can be paid to them in cash or in PRODUCED GOLD and this means they can time the taxation of their sale of dividends. When they ultimately decide to cash-in on the value of their gold, they’ll only pay taxes on 85% of the value of the gold they’re holding.

“As an additional incentive, participants in this capital raise will receive a 50% bonus in the value of their shares.

Example: Invest $5 MM for 5% and receive 7.5% of the company’s stock.

“New investors will also receive a dividend enhancement – once subscribed, they’ll receive twice their actual share of all dividends declared and paid until 50% of their initial investment is recovered, at which time their Class B preferred shares will revert to Class A common shares with the same rights and privileges as all other Class A common shares.

Example: “An investor holding 7.5% of the company’s shares will receive 15% of all dividends declared and paid until 50% of their initial investment is recovered.”

“For this capital raise, the minimum investment is $40,000 and all investors must be accredited. The minimum threshold for the entire PPM will be $1 MM and all monies will be held in escrow until the $1 MM threshold is reached, otherwise, all monies will be returned to the investors.”

“If the opportunity of ownership in a productive gold mine intrigues you or if you know of someone that’s had owning gold on their mind, then please contact us at your earliest convenience so we can answer all your questions and help to get you started.

“Everyone at Quasar wishes you a safe, happy and prosperous 2024.”

For more information, please contact:

Nathaniel Levin

VP Capital Development

125 S Howes Street – Suite 1040

Fort Collins, Colorado 80521

Main: 970-818-2058

Cell: 516-428-1150
